The voice of the people will resonate from DuPont park in a unified voice. Within the era of thumbs up’s and online comments, the authentic voice of presence isn’t heard. How do we use civic space to quantify a voice?

At the Macro level, the park is a living orgasm of activity. There is Connecticut Ave. that cuts through and web of streets that drive into the heart of the park.  All these things resonate in the park as they contribute to the activity. The entrances of the DuPont underground flank the park and could act as a social beacon.

This was the primary design influence as these conditions should resonate into the park. The traditional design doesn’t consider these conditions. The counterclockwise act as a mixer that will always spin the wind and air as that guided the paths’ flow. Connecticut Ave. is not apparent as the traffic move under the park. The proposal will include lights that activate as each car pass under the park. This will resonate with movement in the park throughout the day.

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